Kimberly Kirton Fuselier

Kimberly Kirton Fuselier, PT, DPT is a Physical Therapist from Whittier, CA and has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare field. She graduated from Whittier College in 2000. She also graduated from Western University with a Masters in PT in 2003 & Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2020. Kimberly also has a Master’s degree in research on spine and a doctorate degree in research in alternative medicine, such as TurmeriCBD. She is also a former professional dancer and cheerleader.

Kimberly is a manually trained Physical Therapist focusing on the “Hands On” approach to Physical Therapy, with over 15 years of experience, specializing in the treatment of orthopedic and sport injuries. She feels that manual techniques help to improve movement/range of motion, and she stresses the importance of education in her patients. She is also certified in Pilates, yoga & ergonomics.

Kimberly’s goal is to teach patients appropriate stretching and progressive resistive exercise programs that will, in turn, allow them to gain knowledge of the rehabilitation process and independent management of their injury, disorder, and/or dysfunction.